Bronchitis Blues

My bronchitis has come back. UGH! I never really thought much of it until I had it. I thought I was having heart failure when it first worked its agony. I had my cousin drive me to the emergency room. It didn't take long to get me back since it made my breathing short and my chest hurt. That is one thing I found out about Emergency rooms. If you are having any kind of chest pains or breathing trouble, you go straight to the front of the line. They don't want anyone dying of a heart attack on their waiting room floor. So after a hour or so wait, I had x-rays and confirmed I had my first case of Bronchitis. It hurt like the dickens.

The doctor gave me antibiotics to take. They of course made me sick to my stomach, but I forced them down each day. Only to find out later it was pointless. I did some research on the we. Bronchitis goes away on its own. Antibiotics and pain killers are useless. You just have suffer. Hence, why I'm up in the middle of the night typing on my blog. The doctors give their patients this stuff basically like a placebo. It won't help but otherwise they would be angry that their pain is not relieved and they're leaving empty handed. It's just something to quiet our complaints.

Aleve is not working. And this surprised me, because it usually knocks out my worst pain with ease. The only relief I get is staying in an upright position. Not the best way to hold your body when you're trying to sleep, let me tell you. But it's the only way I can get even a little shut eye. When it went away I was ecstatic. Pain free sleep at last! And now it's back. I have no clue as to what I did to make it return. If I knew I would certainly rectify it. So here I sit, breathing shallowly to lessen the pain and wondering how long I will have to endure.


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Hi, Nia here. A little about me. I'm an elementary teacher living and teaching in Texas. I love all things creative. One of my favorite things to do is write, so I write. I also love to draw and illustrate. Blogging intrigues me and I have fun at it. I wanted to do something related to my profession but also include my hobbies. I hope you get enjoyment or usefulness from my blogs. Thanks for checking out my blog!



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