I just heard about this great thing called bloggy carnival. I wanted to get in on the act. Of course I"ll have to start small but small is better than nothing I guess. I'm giving away one coupon good for a free 8.45 oz Cascade Crystal Clear Rinse Agent.
To enter the drawing:
* Leave a comment telling me what you know, if anything, about Lupus
* Deadline August 1
* The winner will be posted in the blog
* Valid email address required
* U.S. only
For more contests, visit my other blog at: Weird News and Other Stuff!
And the winner is.... Ginny! Thanks to all who entered
Bloggy Giveaways
Posted by
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Labels: blog carnival , bloggy giveaways , contest , giveaway
I honestly don't know much about it except I know one of my mom's friends have it.
I know that Lupus affects your immune system, but that is about it.
I don't know very much about Lupus except that it is an autoimmune disease. The persons immune system develops antibodies directed at itself causing inflamation and pain and damage to the persons own organs.:-(
To be honest, I don't know much about it, although I have heard of it. (just the name) No one I know has it, so I guess that is why I am not sure about what it is all about, how it affects a person, and what the effects on the body are. Thanks for having this giveaway!
I know lupus is an auto-immune disease and debilitating beyond belief!
My mom was wrongfully diagnosed with Lupus. The later figured out it was ovarian cancer that had spread to practically her whole torso before they finally diagnosed her correctly.
It's an auto-immune disease, much like arthritis and is non-curable.
Everything I know about Lupus came from One Life To Live. In the early 90's, they killed off the character Megan Gordon Harrison from complications due to Lupus (it wasn't directly from Lupus, from from another problem that was further complicated by Lupus). I'd never heard much about it before then.
Now, a friend of mine suffers from the disease. I think it can be difficult to diagnose because I know she went through lots of tests before she got a definitive diagnosis.
I know it is an autoimmune disease. My family dog was diagnosed with it and she lived quite awhile before passing away due to old age.
I dont know anything about lupus at all.
i know lupus is difficult to live with, you can feel really lousy, i know your hair can fall out,i know there is no cure, here's to hoping one is found
I don't really know anything much about it, except that it is an autoimmune disease. I have never known anyone personally who has had it.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
My answer is similar to the above. I know that it is an autoimmune disease and often causes a butterfly shaped facial rash. It can affect each sufferer differently depending on what body system is "attacked".
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
I could use some Coke Zero. I don't know much about lupus except that it has to do with the immune system. Wish they could find a good cure for it so people can get better.
Don't know really anything. I do that that a symptom is feeling weak and achy.
My friend has lupus. I know that it is an autoimmune disorder. Inflammation is considered the primary feature of lupus.
There are 4 types of lupus: Discoid which is limited to the skin, Systemic which can affect any organ, Drug-induced & Neonatal. For everything you ever wanted to know about lupus:
I know that on the tv show, House, it's always one of the diagnoses, but it always gets rejected...it's a running joke. I know, however, that lupus is NOT a joke...my aunt had it and suffered greatly
Systemic Lupus can be a devastating diseae affecting all the organs in the body, Lupus also has a gentic trait to it.
I do not know about lupus except it makes you really sick
I've known two people with Lupus and they said it made them very sensitive to the sun. They were always fully covered, including a hat.
My dog had it and it mad eher unable to heal properl, she lost her tail due to it. R.I.P., my friend.
Sad but true...I know very little about lupus. I think it is a pretty debilitating disease.
I'm sorry I don't know anything about Lupus (yet). I've only heard of it. *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I don't really know anything about Lupus, but don't you get a rash on your face that looks like a butterfly? They called it the butterfly mask because it's over your eyes. Thanks for the giveaway! trishblack(at)juno(dot)com
I don't know anything about it.
I have heard of Lupus, but I have no idea what it is. Is it a neurological disease?
I do know that it is an autoimmune disease. It has many manifests in several forms at the beginning one of which can be Raynaud's (which I have). Many people get a dark raccoon type looking mask around their eyes, when they have this disease. There is currently no cure for it.
The only stuff I really know about Lupus I saw on that one America's next top model where the girl was trying to hide that she had it. I just remember thinking how courageous she was when she seemed so sick.
it is an autoimmune disorder.
I know that it is an autoimmune disorder. Some of the symptoms are a malar rash, discoid lesions, achy joints, and positive ANA blood test results.
Well, I don't know a lot about it, but I have a second cousin who has it. I know that it causes extreme exhaustion and pain.
I'm sorry that you're dealing with Lupus. I have a chronic pain condition called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and have suffered with it for the last 8 years. I was 30 when I had an accident at the school where I taught 4th grade. The custodian mopped the floor but failed to put up signs or cones. I slipped and fell, injured my knee, hip, pelvis, and tore two discs in my back. I'm now 100% disabled and no longer get to do what I was so passionate about. Like Lupus,there is no cure for RSD, and if the condition becomes centralized, which mine did, then it can spread, which mine did and continues to do.
So, I can sympathize with what you must live with. I wish you all the best, and i wish you many days of no pain!!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!!
my sweet friend, anna, has lupus . . . she has 3 little boys . . . i know that she is in pain quite a bit. thanks. kristen
I have a male friend with Lupus, and one thing I know about it is that it is mostly a female disease and it is very rare for a man to have it. Thanks for the contest.
I know little about Lupus or how it's diagnosed.
I worked with a woman that had lupus, I belive its an auto-immune dissorder.
My grandmother, aunt and father all have lupus. They don't have systematic lupus though, they have the skin disorder kind. I am so thankful that they only have the skin problem, but even that makes things tough sometimes.
Lupus - here is my ignorance exposed. I have heard of it. think it has to do with face darkening around of the face. That is it. I could be wrong.
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about Lupus. Thanks for the contest.
Just know of it, never checked details.
i'm afraid i don't know anything about lupus, but i learned a bit just reading other's posts
I kknow a lot about it I was diagnosed with it when I was 20 I am now 42 the best time for me was when I was pregnant I felt great after I stopped breast feeding the lupus would flare up again maybe that is why I have 4 children. I go for b12 shots once a moth. This summer has been the worst for me as it has been so humid I have had different side effects from it that I have never had. I have systemic lupus and it does cause a lot of pain in the joints. Two of my children did develop neonatal lupus but they are both fine
A friend of mine has lupus, because of the complications she is unable to have children. I hope they find a cure for this terrible disease one day.
I really no nothing about Lupus, which is bad because I work with people with disabilities.
Thanks for the giveaway.
carissaad at aol dot com
Thank you for having this. Unfortunately I do not know anything about Lupus.
I have a cousin with Lupus and I know she either can't have kids or doesn't want to have kids because of her illness.
I know there is no cure for Lopus and I think mostly women get it.
I know very little about Lupus. I believe it's painful, but it can go into remission?
Thank you for the giveaway! Rinse agents aren't cheap!
Lupus affects your immune system
Thanks for the contest, anything that can educate the general public about Lupus is wonderful in my eyes.
I am the mother of 2 daughters (ages 26 and 19) both who have SLE and have a multitude of issues all related to the disease.
I know way more than anyone that is not a doctor should about this terrible disease, and I pray each day for a cure
I know it attacks your immune system and it affects different people in different ways. It generally flares up periodically throughout the person's life and it can be quite dangerous. I know three people who have it. One has had horrible, horrible problems because of it, one is slightly affected and one has to wear thick theatrical makeup on her face to cover its effects. It's a very confusing and disturbing disease.
I'm just learning more about it. I knwo that sunlight can trigger attacks.
I know that Mercedes on America's Next Top Model had it and I think it affected her hair and skin as well as how she felt.
gotfire at yahoo dot com
i've known people with it, but not much about it. i know it is difficult to live with, but that you can live with it and try to control it
I really don't know anything about Lupus except that Its never lupus on House.
Lupus attacks all of your body, it is when your immune system goes into overdrive and starts to attack itself.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease, and I was diagnosed with it in 2005. I have good days and bad days. On the bad days, I can hardly get out of bed, so I go nonstop on my good days!
A friend of mine (whom I've lost touch with due to military life), had this. She had a great attitude, but she had a lot of pain.
Thanks for this Giveaway.
Fatigue and pain are commom ailments with lupus.
Lupus affects your immune system
Lupus has no cure.
1bmore @ gmail . com
Fatigue, pain, difficulty healing, inexplicable illnesses/reactions that are different each time, no cure, apparently very difficult to really diagnose as I was 'diagnosed' with several different things before they finally figured it out ... I know more about Lupus that I wish I did. Thanks for the giveaway!
I know absolutely nothing. A dear friend of mine has it, but she doesn't like to talk about it.
I know nothing...sorry!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com
A friend was recently diagnosed with lupus, so I've been reading up. Sending good thoughts your way.
overactive immune system? I have the opposite, low immune sstem...my hubby's aunt has Lupus.
I only know that it has to do with your immune system. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I honestly don't know anything about it, I guess its not a good thing to have..
I have heard of it but i dont know much :(
The Dr thought I had Lupus, luckily it wasn't, so I read up on it .
I know lupus well. I was diagnosed with it when I was 30, after nearly a year and a half of my doctor suspecting it. My rheumatologist went on to tell me that samples of my blood were being sent to the National Institutes of Health, monthly, and those samples were being matched with other people who had the same "abnormal speckling pattern." The rheumatologist went on to say that others with the same speckling pattern have symptoms of M.S., R.A., and myasthenia gravis as well. So, officially my diagnosis is systemic lupus with overlap syndromes. I founded the Lupus Foundation of America, Inc., Northern Utah Chapter in 1982. The night of our first meeting there was a terrible snowstorm and people were advised to stay home. However, we had 92 people show up. When the medical social worker in charge asked the people attending if they would like me to start a foundation addressing the needs of lupus patients, I got a standing ovation. In 1986 I put together the first Western Regional Conference for the Lupus Foundation of America, Inc., and that included a medical conference. I could write books on what I have gone through living with lupus. Now I help geneticists in theory writing.
I don't know much about Lupus except that it is a horrible disease to have!
I know it is in the same family of illness as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalga (both of which I have been diagnosed with).
I know that it can be anywhere from mild to debilitating. It affects your immune system, and can affect your kidneys.
rlgrady [at] yahoo dot com
I don't know much about Lupus. I just know that it is a painful auto-immune disease.
Unfortunately, I don't know much about lupus except that it is a difficult disease. Thanks for the giveaway!
I know it has something to do with your immune system...and that I never want myself or anyone I know to have it! Eeekkk....
I don't know anything about it really but remember that a mother of a friend I had growing up had it and could become quite sick with it.
Lupus is a serious disease, in my eyes, that seems to confuse the immune system. It can def. cause pain and damage parts of the body. Inflammation is the biggest factor of Lupus and can cause some sort of pain and damage in many parts of the body...Lupus is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans than in Caucasians...More than 90 percent of people with lupus are women. Symptoms and diagnosis occur most often when women are in their child-bearing years, between the ages of 15 and 45.
Hi Lupus Lady. I am also 27 years old and I live with lupus everyday. I hate it and it consumes me but I have had to try to not let it control who I am. I was diagnosed 10 years ago this month.
I have yet to go into remission. My arthritis is probably the worst symptom of my lupus and for it I am on many, MANY fda regulated narcotics. Not the life I dreamed of LOL.
I am so glad I found your link...now I will come back and read more of your blog. Check mine out to as I talk about my lupus ALOT.
I know that it's a devestating disease, but that's about all I know. My prayers go out to those coping with it.
I know that my cousin has it, but nothing else.
It is an immune disease, and one of my cousins has it.
I know too much about it, my Mother in law had it for a long time. It is a devastating disease that is still a mystery.
i don't know anything about it
One of my daughter's friends had lupus. She would have some good days and some bad days. When she thought she would be well again, the Lord took her home to a better place.
Lupas effects the immune system. Thank you.
Lupus is mentioned in many soap operas. Then there are the doctor TV dramas like HOUSE MD were Lupus diagnois is usually ruled out. Like so many of the dramatic devastating illnesses there is no known cure.
I honestly don't know much about lupus other than that a symptom is joint pain.
there was a girl on america's next top model that had it...it made her have a hard time with the competition
I know lupus is an auto-immune disease, debilitating, and noncurable.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this contest.
No, I don't know about Lupus; I think it has something to do with glands.
not sure - sounds pretty bad, though
It is an autoimmune disease. Make sure she sees a rheumatologist.
About all I really know is that there isn't a cure -- yet!
Lupus can cause inflammation of the skin and discoloration as well.
I thought lupus was Latin for wolf...
I was diagnosed with LUPUS 11 years ago and get a different symptom every year.
I honestly don't know much about it.
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